Jan 6, 2021
David & Paula Perino were selected as the Best of Show for their mixed media glass sculpture, “Encryption.” As the BOS award winners, their work will be featured in the Studio Gallery from February 26 – April 4, 2021.
Jan 6, 2021
Opening Reception for this event will be a Facebook Live event on January 15th 5:00 PM Facebook Page HarmstonArts represents a partnership of 30 years of creativity. Steve and Bonnie Harmston work together with a focus that reflects each of their unique...
Jan 5, 2021
This juried exhibit will present the many different types of printmaking methods, including monotype, etchings, drypoint, lithography, woodcut, linocut, collagraph, and screen-print. Additionally, educational material describing the different types of printmaking will...
Jan 5, 2021
Opening Reception for this event will be a Facebook Live event on January 15th 5:00 PM FaceBook Page “Arizona Aqueous” has been a tradition at TCA for 34 years. This national juried exhibit engages artists from across the country working in traditional and...