Q: How long have you volunteered with the art center?
A: We have volunteered at TCA since the week following our move to Tubac. That was August of 2019.
Q:What volunteer roles/positions do you prefer?
A: Docent, Phone Desk, Gift Shop, Checking in and out art for upcoming shows! Performing Arts Committee.
Favorite part of volunteering at the art center.
Getting to know the local artists, interacting with the public about art, interacting with staff and other volunteers; looks like we like all of the volunteer experiences with TCA!
Q: What are some of your interests and hobbies?
A: We enjoy entertaining, golf, hiking, playing bridge, art, traveling, gardening and exploring!
Q: What don’t we know about you that you’d like to share?
A: (Charlotte) I love my family and my home and my neighbors.
One of my most precious memories of volunteering was being selected as a Supernumerary with Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle for 17 years! Every year I was the Grandmother at Christmas in the Nutcracker Ballet as well as being in the crowd scenes for the ballet series each year! Dressing in lovely gowns made to fit by the costume department, being on stage personally a part of amazing productions and so close to the extraordinary excellent talent and beautiful live music; most certainly was an experience I will never forget!
Q: Please share something about your previous life, where you came from, how and when you arrived in southern Arizona.
A: We moved to Tubac, AZ after 15 years in Winthrop, WA where we built a log home and a huge barn with an upstairs art studio and a separate summer kitchen/greenhouse off the large garden/orchard on the Methow River. We cross country skied all winter, hiked and fished and kayaked in the summer, and took care of our goats, horses, chickens, ducks, dogs, kittens and grandchildren, and our garden. When it was becoming a chore and taking longer to complete our chores so that we could ski and when we no longer could run our own snowblower it was time for another adventure! Most of our professional life was in Seattle, WA, which I consider the most beautiful city in the US! Robert and I met and married there, combining our families into one. We had 5 children between us and they have given us 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. It was in Washington where I met the Doctors Sparling; Virginia and her husband Jerry. Virginia was my friend and my mentor and I will never forget her description of volunteering. She said that “volunteering is the rent you pay to your community for living and loving such a wonderful life”.
We found Tubac through two couples who also had properties in Winthrop, WA as well as properties in Southern Arizona. One couple has a ranch in Rio Rico and they split their time between ranches. And, the other couple has a home in the Tubac Golf Resort. We all had similar interests, Art and History both revered by all of us, so Tubac was a great fit for us!
Thank you so much Charlotte & Robert for all your hard work and dedication! We really appreciate you!
You too can be an advocate for the arts and volunteer at Tubac Center of the Arts. Tubac Center of the Arts depends on volunteer support to keep our center running smoothly! Volunteers are IMPORTANT to the overall success of our programs, exhibits, and day-to-day operations.